Friday, May 31, 2013


My dear precious husband Tommy,

Understanding.....What does that mean......I try and be understanding with everything I do....but sometimes it is very hard.....

You were understanding of everything.....You showed me that time and time again...I will never understand why you had to leave....I feel that way because I love you so much....

Just wanted to let you know that I think of you every minute....Wishing you were here to be with us....You are everything and I want you to know that....

I love you more than words can express...You are my babes forever and nothing can change that.....

I love you babes....forever.....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Thursday, May 30, 2013


My dear precious husband Tommy,

Life is just so hard and I just don't know what to do or think anymore. It is always something to worry about...Car problems, being sick, etc.....

I know you are with us and always will be.....What am I suppose to do when I need you here which is all the time....I need you babes so much......

I miss you more than there are words....You are my everything....I do not understand why this had to happen....You were needed so bad here on earth......but I know you are still with me.....

I love you my babes..Forever......

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Missing you....

My dear precious husband Tommy,

I miss you so much and there is never a moment you are not on my mind....My heart is broken never to heal....

I wish you were here and things were the way they use to be....I want you so bad and there is nothing I can do about it.....

I want you to know how much I love you and always will....You are my life, my heart beat, my soul....and spirit.....

I love you my babes......forever....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Husband and father.....

My dear precious husband Tommy,

Husband and Father.....You were and still are the best husband and father that I have ever known......

As a father you were always there to guide our children and to try and help them understand along the way...You showed them love and that family is the core to everything.....

As a husband you were always there for me....guiding me in the right direction......Giving me love and support along the way....You showed me to be independent and the love you gave to me is unstoppable.....

So, I want you to know we are so thankful for all of this....We love you more than words can say.....

I love you my husband.....forever......

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day.....

My dear precious husband Tommy,

Another memorial day without you is so hard.... I miss you more than anything in the world...I wish that you were here and that we were doing things together like we always did.....

I will never forget all the time we spent with one another...We were always together sharing in everything....We were and still are different than any couple I know....

You are my everything.....please know that...I miss you more than anything in the world....You are my life and I want you here so bad....

I love you my babes.....forever.....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Your visit.......

My dear precious husband Tommy,

Your visit last night was wonderful...I love it so very much...We talked and we smoked a cigarette together like we use to do.....

I had to quite smoking and sometimes I miss it so much....I wish I could smoke and everything would be okay....It calmed my nerves......I really need that now but I can't smoke....

I just know that I am so thankful for your visits....You came and we got to share time together..I know you are with me and no matter what happens here in the physical world, you are my life and always will be....

I love you my babes..I will forever......

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Dreams of you......

My dear precious husband Tommy,

Dreams of you are the perfect thing for me....You came to me once again in my dreams and I love it...You are showing me you are with me.....

Please guide me and show me what I should do about everything....It is so hard without you....I know you will stay beside me and show me what to do.....

You are everything to me and always will be...You are my life and I miss you so much....I want you here....

I love you my babes....Forever...

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Friday, May 24, 2013


My dear precious husband Tommy,

You came to me in my dreams last night...It was so wonderful...We talked and hugged and I loved it...You are my everything.....

I wish everyday that you were here...really every minute..I want you here..Life would be so much better if you were....

I will always wish that you were here...Nothing will ever change that....You are my life and my love forever....

I love you my babes...forever......

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Our love....

My dear precious husband Tommy,

Our love is always and forever...I have never felt like this before......You are my love and nothing can change that....I wish you were you sharing in everything...Its not fair..but I know life isn't fair....

You are the love of my life and always will be...You loved me and I so miss you ......There is never a moment that I don't think of you......

Just know you are my heart and soul....You always have been and always will be...

I love you my husband....forever......

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Just when you think you know somebody.....

My dear precious husband Tommy,

You always warned me that I should not trust people.....Now I am realizing what you were talking about....You said that I always was the type to take people at their word.....You are right....

I will not fall again for people who only talk bad about others....I cannot understand why people act as if they are your friend and then when you are not around they are talking a different story about you....I am not talking about me it was two of my friends....I listened and could not believe what one was saying about the other one....when the other one was not around.....

You are my everything...You have taught me so much and I will never ever forget how much you have turned me into the person I am today....Thank you my babes....

I love you my babes....forever.....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Oklahoma Tornadoes......

My dear precious husband Tommy,

Oklahoma had some bad tornadoes yesterday.....A lot of people were killed...It is so awful and the pain everyone must be going through....Children died from a school there and I cannot imagine how the parents are going to deal with it.....

I know the Creator will walk with them and actually he will carry them through this hard time.....It will not get any easier and I pray for them.....

You are everything to me....My everything...I love you my babes...and I always will....The pain lingers and it will stay with me forever....

I love you my babes....forever....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Monday, May 20, 2013


My dear precious husband Tommy,

I cherish you more than anything in the world...You are everything to me...I think about when we first met and how my eyes locked in on you...How my heart was so overwhelmed....

There are no words that can express how my heart felt....I could not stop thinking of you...You were always on my mind and in my heart.....

That has not changed since you went to the spirit world....I have you in my heart and mind all the time...You are my everything....

I love you my babes.....forever.....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Writers Roundup...

My dear precious husband Tommy,

I really enjoyed the Writers Roundup sponsor by Valley of the Sun Romance Writers. It was held yesterday at the Crown Plaza in Phoenix.....

Our speaker was Larry Brooks.....He was wonderful....I learned a lot of things I did not know.....He showed us so much....

I got to meet some fellow authors...It was an amazing day....I really loved it...I know you were there with me...

I love you my husband...Forever.....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Saturday, May 18, 2013


My dear precious husband Tommy,

I thought I would write about Feather today...She has not changed....Still the same cat as she was when you were here.....

There are times I know you are here playing with her, like you always did, for her reaction reminds me of it...She suddenly jumps into the air...

I know she can see your spirit...You can tell cause suddenly she will stop and look and I know it is you....She is still your cat but know she is something else...She sleeps with me at night....

We love you my babes...forever....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Friday, May 17, 2013

My love for you....

My dear precious husband Tommy,

My love for you will always be...You are the love of my have showed me so much and our bond is stronger than anybody's I have ever known...

It is hard to believe it is going on 2 years since you crossed over into the spirit world...It seems so much longer...I just want you here....I miss everything about you...

I cry a lot.....Can't help it...I miss you so much and there is nothing that will ever change that....You are everything to me...You always will be.....

I love you my babes....forever....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Thursday, May 16, 2013


My dear precious husband Tommy,

Positive....That word is so powerful but yet elusive.....I wish I could always think positive but without you in my life it is so hard to...

I miss you my babes more than I can ever say....I wish you were here and everything would be so much better.....

I miss drinking coffee with you and talking with you....You will always be in my heart and you are my everything.....

I love you my babes....forever....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


My dear precious husband Tommy,

I just want you to know that you are "wanted"...You always have been by me and always will be by me...I love you more than words can say.....

I know you will wait for me no matter how long it takes...I know you want me here with the kids and I want that too..

I just wanted to let you know how much I love and miss you and that you are so wanted  by me...You are my life no matter what is going on in the physical world.....

I love you my husband...forever....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


My dear precious husband Tommy,

I want the world to know how much I appreciated you....You were the husband that stood for something...that would defend your family no matter what....

You taught our children to never give up and to stand strong and for what they believed in...You showed how real love truly is....

Our love will stand the test of time...I had a wonderful dream last night...We were getting married.....It was beautiful...Like it was when we did get married...I think the dream meant that you would marry me all over again...Makes my heart happy....

I love you my babes...forever...

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Monday, May 13, 2013

Pictures of Shae's birthday......

My dear precious husband Tommy,

Shae had a good birthday....I know you were here and saw all the presents she got.....She was upset that her grandma did not call her or anything....It is very sad.....

I thought I would post some pictures of her that I took yesterday...I know you were here cause we felt your presence....

We love and miss you and I know Shae had a hard time dealing with the fact you were not here in the physical form...I know I sure did....

I love you my babes...forever...

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Today is Shaelee's 15th Birthday.......

My dear precious husband Tommy,

Today is our daughter's birthday. I think of this day 15 years ago...Yeah she is 15 today....hard to believe....I am so proud.....You should be here that is the only part that is not right....

You were there during the delivery, smiling as you seen her for the first time...I remember you telling me how beautiful she was....You done the same when Erik was born...
Morning of Shaelee's birth

All the nurses thought Shaelee was the prettiest baby in the nursery....Of course she was because she is her daddy's daughter....

We love and miss you and know today I will think of this special day 15 year's ago when we shared the birth of our beautiful and special daughter....

I love you my babes...forever....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Tomorrow is the day.....

My dear precious husband Tommy,

Tomorrow is the day our beautiful daughter was born. I remember it so vividly...It was wonderful....

You were by my side...You are one of a kind husband and we shared everything....It was so wonderful.....

I know you are with our daughter....Tomorrow you will be here watching her open her presents....I try hard to get her what she wants....

I love you my husband.....Forever....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Friday, May 10, 2013

I miss you......

My dear precious husband Tommy,

I miss you so much...I talk to you everyday....every hour....all the time...You are my everything....The only thing that I know is I cannot hardly take you being gone....

I know you are with me in spirit all the time....I just miss you...I don't know what else to say other than you are my life....You have been since I met you....

I can feel your presence all the time...I can feel you here wrapping your arms around me and holding me....I am so thankful for that.....

I love you my babes...forever.....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Thursday, May 9, 2013


My dear precious husband Tommy,

I am so worried....One of Shae's fingers is infected....We don't know how or why but it looks awful.....She says it does not hurt but it itches...She is going to the doctor this afternoon...

Please walk with us as we deal with this....I know you are with her...She is your baby girl......She misses you so much.....

Creator I beg of you to wrap your arms around our daughter and let her be okay....She is such a beautiful person.....Amen....

I know my husband you walk with her and she will be okay....

I love you more than anything.....forever....

Your wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik