Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Pictures of you.....

My dear precious husband Tommy,

Pictures of you are all over the house....It is something that I have to do...You are my only love....You are everything to me.....

I miss you so much and I always will.....You are my everything and I always speak your name.....You are missed so much.....

I love you my babes....forever.....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I miss you so much....

My dear precious husband Tommy,

I miss you so much....I wish you were here to share everything with me...I miss everything about you.....

Your laughter, your understanding no matter what was going on, your face, the warmth of you, and most importantly your love......

I will always love you my babes.....Always.....

I love you my sweet babes....forever.....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Monday, July 29, 2013

How I miss you.....

My dear precious husband Tommy,

I miss you so very much.....You are my lighthouse that shines like a beacon for my heart.....I miss you so very much.....

You are always on my mind and in my heart......You and the kids are the most important thing to me and always will be.....

I love you my husband more than words can ever express.......

I love you my babes....forever.....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Sunday, July 28, 2013


My dear precious husband Tommy,

Feelings....what are they....they are you......I know my feelings are for you....I long for you....You are my everything...I know one day I will be with you.....

You are my soul mate....always will be....there is only one you and you  were the most special thing in the world to me.....You always will be.....

I love you my babes....forever....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Saturday, July 27, 2013

My love.....

My dear precious husband Tommy,

My love you are the only thing I know...I am always thinking of you.....I love you more than anything no matter what is going on here on earth......

I want you here but that cannot be....I only wish it could be...I long for you so much....You are my everything.....

I will always and forever love you and you will always be my husband....

I love you my babes....forever.....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Friday, July 26, 2013

Prayers and protection......

My dear precious husband Tommy,

Prayers and protection is what I need....My back has been hurting and sometimes between the shoulder blades.....I am scared and I am asking for all to pray for me.....

I am all my kids have and I need to be here with them......Please Creator protect me and let everything be okay.....

I know Tommy you feel how scared I am....I beg you to place your arms around me and let everything be okay.....

I know Creator will take care of this...I pray to you Creator....."Creator, please let this not be nothing serious....Please let everything be okay...Let my heart be okay...In Jesus name....Amen...."

I love you my babes....forever.....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Rainy day.......

My dear precious husband Tommy,

It is going to be a rainy day.....I have to go to the grocery store.....I know you will be with me....I miss you so much....

The pain never ends...It never will.....I miss you so much and that is all I know....I wish you were here.....

You are my everything and always will be....I long for you each day and every second....You are my soul mate......

I love you my babes....forever.....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I love you......

My dear precious husband Tommy,

I love you more than there are rivers, or oceans.......I love you more than there are sunny days, or rainy days......

I love you more than there are animals, I love you more than anything.....I miss you more than words or sentences...I miss you.....

Just wanted to express how much I love and miss you.....Its more than I can say.....

I love you my babes.....forever......

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My Friday.....

My dear precious husband Tommy,

Today is my Friday at work....So glad.....I need some days off...It has been busy these 6 days I have worked....

I know you are with me....I feel your presence....I miss you so much....There are no words for how I feel....

You are my everything....always will be.....I love you more than there are words.....

I love you my babes....forever......

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Monday, July 22, 2013

My sweet heart......

My dear precious husband Tommy,

My sweetheart.....I miss you so much...You are my everything....I miss you more than anybody knows....

You are my life....You are so missed and always will be...I have no words to explain how I feel.....There never will be.....

Just know you are in my heart and soul....forever.....

I love you my babes.....forever......

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Just got up.....

My dear precious husband Tommy,

I just got up....I worked all night from 6PM to 6AM......It was busy with the storms....A lot of flooding and everything.....

I miss you so much Tommy....There are no words that can comfort my heart.....You are my heart and without you I feel so alone.....

I know you are here walking with me but it still isn't the same....I love you so much.....You are always on my mind.....

I love you my precious husband.....Forever.....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Love you so much....

My dear precious husband Tommy,

I love you so much and I just don't know what to do with myself sometimes.....I wish you were here.....

Nobody can truly understand how hard it is for me....Nobody knows or can feel my heart.....It is lost most of the time....

I know you understand that...You are my soul mate and always will be...You visited me in my dreams and I loved it...We talked and talked....

I love you my babes....forever....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Friday, July 19, 2013

Have to work today.....

My dear precious husband Tommy,

I have to work today....I know it is going to be a good day with you by my side......I know you will be with me and see me through.....

I did not sleep good so I am tired...I have to work 12 hours today....Sure that is going to be fun....It was a good night though....

I just wanted to let you know what my plans were for today....even though I know you will be with me....

I love you my babes...forever.....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Return to work.......

My dear precious husband Tommy,

I return to work tonight....Please be with me and let me do everything right....I want to do the best job I can.....

I know you are with me and that everything is okay....I love it when you visit me in my dreams and talk to me.....

You are my angel and I know you are watching over me and the kids....We wish you were here with us.....

I love you my babes.....forever.......

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Life as I know it....

My dear precious husband Tommy,

Life as I know it is gone.....What I mean by that is life as we shared it is gone.....I miss it so bad....You were and still are my everything.....

All the talking and drinking coffee is gone.....We would sit and talk for hours and hours....You showed me how to handle every situation....

When I was exposed to mold and was very sick you were there to hold me, cry with me, and assure me everything would be okay......

You are my everything babes......forever......

I love you......forever....and always......

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Your visit.....

My dear precious husband Tommy,

Your visit last night was great.....You were here with me and we were doing things and going places..It was amazing.....

It was as if you never left....that you were here and we were visiting places like we talked about doing.....

Thank you for coming and seeing me....It makes my day.....You are my everything and always will be.....

I love you my babes....forever......

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Monday, July 15, 2013

Cloudy Day......

My dear precious husband Tommy,

Its cloudy outside and I am sure it will rain today....I know how it feels.....It rains inside me everyday....the longing for you is inside of me.....

I want you here so bad....Words cannot express how I feel....I only can say that my heart is broken and never to heal.....

I wonder what you do.....where you go.....I am sure you are with Archie and you guys go fishing......I miss you both so bad.....

I love you my husband....forever and always.....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Missing you so much.....

My dear precious husband Tommy,

Missing you so much that my heart is empty...I will never ever get over you....It is so hard without you here....

I miss you more than words can explain....You are my life and my soul.....You are my rock....You are everything to me......

You are the only thing that kept me together....You are everything to me....always was and always will be.....

I love you my babes.....forever......

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Missing you......

My dear precious husband Tommy,

I miss you so much.....There are no words to express how empty and hurt my heart is....I need you so much....

I know you know that but I still have to tell you in this love note to you....I always feel you near me and I know you are here....

I love you more than anything my babes....forever......

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Friday, July 12, 2013

You visited me last night....

My dear precious husband Tommy,

You visited me last night....My heart is so happy......I miss you so much.......You will never know.....

I got to feel you and it made me feel better.....I just want you here.....There are no words for the pain in my heart......

You will always be my husband and best friend.....I miss you so much and sometimes I don' t know if I can take it but then you assure me I can.....

I love you my husband so very much.....and always and forever will......

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Thursday, July 11, 2013

My love.....

My dear precious husband Tommy,

You are my love....forever......You make my days make the stars shine bright by night....You are my life forever.....

I will always and forever love you....You will be the one who I will speak your name forever.....

You are the one who is my beacon like a light house is to a sailor on the seas....You are my lightning in every storm.....

Just know I love you more than anything and always will....

I love you....forever.....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Pain still there.....

My dear precious husband Tommy,

The pain is still there and even worse....I could not sleep at all last night....I had to move to the couch......

I am going to doctor today....Please be with me cause I hate going.....I know you will be by my side.....Help me through this.....

I am hurting so bad......Please guide me and let me know what to do.....

I love you my babes...forever.......

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Pain in hip......

My dear precious husband Tommy,

I have severe pain in my hip....Don't know what from.....It woke me up during the night hurting....Please let me know what to do ........

Is it just  a muscle pulled or what? I don't know but I do know it is hurting bad.....I pray you will help me to deal with it.....

I will put heat on it as soon as I get Erik to work.....It is hard to walk or anything....Please help me ..... Don't let it be nothing bad.....

I love you my babes....forever......

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Monday, July 8, 2013

My broken heart......

My dear precious husband Tommy,

My broken heart will never heal......It longs for you so very much.....You are everything to me.....always have been.....always will be........

You are my beacon that guides me....I know you will continue to do so......I just need to feel your presence.....Which I do....all the time....

I miss you my babes....It will forever be this way for me......You are my soul......

I love you my babes.....forever......

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Good morning babes.....

My dear precious husband Tommy,

Good morning my babes....I miss you so much....I got off at 2 AM this morning....I could only sleep for about 4 hours....

I know you are with me.....You will always be with me.....I love you more than anything in the world.....Always have always will.....

You are my life....forever........

I love you my babes.......forever.....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik