Saturday, December 15, 2012

Heartache in CT....and our first snow......

My dear precious husband Tommy,

Yesterday was a day of mourning for the United States....There was a school shooting in CT....It was at Sandy Hook Elementary School....20 young Children and 6 adults plus the shooter are dead...It breaks my heart so bad.......

The innocent of the babies....Please Creator help the families left behind and help the children to cross over....I know my precious Tommy will help take care of them.....Smoke and prayers going up......

Now on a lighter note.....

We had our first snow last night...It is suppose to snow more today.....The kids love it....It is very pretty....I just hate to have to drive in it...Erik took the pictures of the snow.....

Well I think the kids will go see The Hobbit tomorrow afternoon...The kids can't wait to see it....

I love you my precious husband....forever.....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik