Saturday, December 22, 2012

Our love......

My dear precious husband Tommy,

Our love is like no other....Nothing or nobody could ever stop it....They tried and tried, numerous people did but it did not happen.....We showed them how strong our love really is.....

I wonder about those people now...I hope they learned a valuable lesson...When a love like ours  is so strong and true then leave it alone....I want all those people to know that our love is forever.....and now I know they realize it.....I hope they also realize that what they done was wrong.....

Our love is forever and nothing can change that not even death....We are still one and always will be....I love you now like I have always loved you.....Nothing will ever change that....

I love you my precious husband....Forever.....

Your loving wife and kids,
Melinda, Shae, & Erik